Out of the Shadows and Into the Light
6 x 8  Transparent Watercolor
(c) 2007  Susie Short
Bountiful Garden
5 x 7 Transparent Watercolor
(c) 2007  Susie Short
© 1994-2009 Susie Short Studio LLC
All Rights Reserved
Copyright Notice

As a viewer to this web site access does not grant you the right to reproduce any of the contents (this includes both my images and my written text
in whole or in part) for any purpose and does not grant permission, or transfer copyright, or license reproductions rights.

Reproduction,  duplication, or distribution for financial gain is strictly forbidden.
Tulip Field          (c) Susie Short
5 x 7 Transparent Watercolor
Tulip Field- Skagit Valley           (c) Susie Short
11 x 15 Transparent Watercolor
Original watercolor landscapes by Susie Short are filled with  brilliant color and textures found in the southwest and
northwestern regions of the United States. From the winter snowscapes to the soft pastel hues of spring blossoms to the
rugged red rocks of the summer desert to the autumnal colors and textures of fall,  Susie's watercolors will take you there.