© 2011 Susie Short Studio LLC
All Rights Reserved
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Crashing Splash  (Oregon Coast)      © 2008 Susie Short
Breaker  (Oregon Coast)           © 2008 Susie Short
Summer 2008 - Being raised in Texas I'm fascinated by the Pacific coast especially the area around Cannon
Beach, Oregon.  My focus this summer has been to study and learn how to paint ocean waves and
seascapes. I've still got a lot to learn about waves how they are formed.  One of the best ways for me to learn
how to paint a subject is to make a commitment to teach others how to paint it ... I'm sharing 3 of my wave
studies below.  I'll be sharing more once the workshops are over.   Enjoy!
Sunset at Arch Cape (Oregon
Coast)              Transparent
Watercolor   5x7         © 2008 Susie
Late Afternoon at Arch Cape (Oregon Coast)              Transparent Watercolor   15 x 11        
© 2008 Susie Short
Watercolor paintings of seascapes and coastal
paintings by watercolor artist Susie Short includes
Oregon Coast's Arch Cape at Sunset, with study
paintings of breakers and crashing splash waves, in
transparent watercolor.
keywords:Susie Short, transparent watercolor paintings, ocean
waves, seascapes, coastal paintings, pacific coast, Arch Cape,
west coast, watercolor waves, wet sand
Rhonda's Request           Transparent Watercolor  
5x7     © 2008 Susie Short
Vicki's Wave         Transparent Watercolor  
5x7     © 2008 Susie Short
Wave study paintings - practice - practice - practice!
Oregon Coast (sketchbook)
         5x7    Transparent Watercolor   
    © 2008 Susie Short