painting sand with watercolor adding the sky
painting sand with watercolor2
painting sand with watercolor1
painting sand with watercolor with beach grass added
Painting Sand and Beach Grass in Watercolor
Painting with watercolor can be fun and easy if you
follow Susie's tips and stick to the basics. A good place
to begin is to try this simple lesson on
painting sand or
sand hills
. Start by painting a warm golden sandy color
over the lower 2/3's of your dry paper as shown in the
example.  Add some shadow colors of purples and blues
while the first color wash is still wet. Then let it dry
Hint: Most colors look darker when wet but they will dry
slightly lighter.

Use 140#  CP or Rough WC paper for best results.
Next, to paint the beach grass use a stiff bristled brush
(shown is my cutter brush) to make grassy strokes by
painting a mixture of green and yellow  color across a
torn piece of scrap watercolor paper. The brush should
be semi-dry or not vet wet with paint..
Turning and re-positioning the torn paper stencil will give
you a variety of interesting sand dune shapes.
To add a blue sky  area add a thin wash of blue to the
top 1/3  of the paper when the grass is completely dry.   
On the left of the dune and along the horizon you can
add some water for the ocean  or add another dune
behind this one.  Keep it simple, it only takes a stroke or
Use your imagination to fill in the lower left side. This
area is open for any other beach vegetation or
seashells, or if you want to try
footprints in the sand go
to the next page to learn more!
© 2002-2009 Susie Short Studio LLC  All Rights Reserved
Permission to print for personal study only. Duplication for any other purposes is not allowed.
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